Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Backpack, notebook, pen... Why I am Back to School!

Those of you who know me often hear me speak about being a "Leadership Geek". I am. I love all things leadership and have a voracious appetite for learning. I am judicious about picking educational opportunities. They need to be right for me...and my clients.

So, why did I choose to go "back to school" in March for IPEC coaching certification? 

1)    I wanted to learn a new way of coaching. I have certification in leadership coaching with The Leadership Challenge and the HBDI, but, I see my clients holistically. 

I want to coach in a new way - one that would help me to work with leaders and the myriad of complex issues that they bring to our sessions.

2) I wanted to be more inclusive in my business. It’s a subtle shift, but I want clients to understand that I am a Success Coach, not just a Leadership Coach. Anyone can work with me who is excited about igniting potential and a success mindset in their lives.

3) I wanted to learn what I didn't know about coaching. And wow, there is a lot to learn. Perhaps the biggest "aha" moment of this experience is that in the past I approached most of the engagements I had with clients as a consultant; providing wisdom and expertise on complex issues. I will continue to consult when wearing my consultant hat, but honoring the coaching process is different. Coaching assumes that individuals already have answers to their own problems. The coach’s job is to help them get to their own solution. Basically, I am learning a whole new skill-set for working with my clients.

4) I wanted to be authentic around calling myself a coach. Coaching is a term used by many to describe their work. By enrolling in a coaching certification program, I am aligned with using the term "coach," and that feels good! This is an incredibly rigorous program. It includes 3 day live sessions and 8 hours a week of practice coaching and homework assignments for 6 months. We are talking MASSIVE commitment!

5) Finally, I was attracted to my specific program, Core Energy Coaching. Core Energy Coaching shifts people into living their highest potential. As a Core Energy coach, I connect people to their passion. We work together to develop specific plans including action steps to reach a state of success that few people achieve.

“It is energy that defines a great leader” (Bruce D Schneider), and I would also add that it is energy that defines a successful organization. This certification enables me to work with people and organizations on assessing their own energy levels. Once you identify what kind of energy you are experiencing, you can make an intentional change.

I have always understood the power of acknowledging energy levels in my own life. This program allows me to make the concept of core energy a tangible concept for my clients.

So let's get ignited!
For more information about coaching services, visit my website at