Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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What Does it Mean to Confabulate?

I am obsessed with the word confabulate. In fact, I love it so much that I’ve actually replaced it with the term network.

Confabulating is focused on being in conversation with someone else. Networking is really about sharing information with someone else. For me, confabulating is such a cozier and community based term. 

One of my areas of unique brilliance is creating safe spaces for people to confabulate with others. Not to boast, but I am really great at getting diverse people in the same room to talk about things that really matter. As a result of these meaningful confabulations, members of my communities then share information with each other. Confabulating is about interacting. Networking is a transaction.

Here’s an example of how this works…

Recently my husband and I were on vacation on a small river cruise. We went by ourselves but were part of a group of 110 people traveling together. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I am the opposite of a “wallflower”…I’m a social butterfly. I was a confabulating cruiser!

By day two of our trip, I had made some crazy connections with my fellow travelers. The first person I met lives literally 20 minutes from us. The second person was the brother of one of my best college chums. The third person was connected to someone who knew my mom. So crazy right?

Once we made the connection in an interactive conversation, we shared information with one another. Email. Facebook. LinkedIn. We’ve already been in contact since our return home last week. 

So, as the Queen of Confabulation, I would like to invite you to join our Think Good Movement. 

Why? Because I have accessed the power of confabulating and I want to share this power with you. 

In the Think Good Movement, you will have unlimited opportunities to connect with people you have not yet met but who are committed to being a values driven, high impact difference maker. 

You’ll do this through monthly Q&A’s, an ongoing discussion group, the opportunity to join our Book Club, and the space to spark conversation. You can choose to move into networking with those you have been in conversation with by accessing our Member Directory. 

I know how filled my heart was after being on the trip of a lifetime where I got to meet incredible people. I want to share that feeling of connection with each of you. 

To learn more about the Movement, visit HERE!