Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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The Power of a Curious Mindset

My mom was the smartest human I have ever known.  And whether you were a rocket scientist, surgeon, attorney or writer, she knew better than you about everything…

She was also the ultimate continuous learner. Before the digital age, she read the New York Times daily from cover to cover. She consumed books covering everything from historical fiction to biographies to the classics.

This data collection process showed up in the way she experienced everything in her life. For example,  she and my dad once took a trip to Greece. The notes she took on that trip were kept in a photo album…pages of them…describing in great detail every artificial and historic site. 

Let’s just say she was like Google pre-Google.

The tough thing about my mom’s brilliance was that I never felt like I measured up. It also made it challenging for me to advise her on anything. She was not open to my feedback or suggestions because she always knew better. Sometimes her version of being smart was using her knowledge as a power-play. 

Sometimes, we call this type of person a know-it-all. 

On the flip side, my mom instilled a love of learning in me. She encouraged me to be curious about the world. She challenged me to keep growing. 

I would say that I am on a lifelong journey to unleash my own gifts and to support others on their journey for personal transformation. 

The joy in life for me is sharing abundantly with others ways they can ignite their own adventures in self-discovery.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing lots about opportunities for continuous learning including: 

  • Great book and podcast recommendations.

  • Some fun questions you can ask yourself for journaling and self reflection

  • Tools that I use to capture my learning journey

  • My own journey to build my confidence and competence as an entrepreneur.

  • And, I’ll ask for your feedback on what keeps you curious. 

I’m excited to spark your curiosity around personal development and to encourage all of you to keep on learning!