Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Become the High Impact Leader You Are Meant to Be

What a Wimbledon Weekend it Was! 

Here’s the skinny on what happened…In a stunning turnaround that sent shockwaves through the prestigious Centre Court at the All England Club, Carlos Alcaraz, a 20-year-old tennis prodigy from Spain achieved a near-impossible feat by defeating Novak Djokovic in the Wimbledon final. Djokovic,

As you may or may not know, my husband and I are avid sport enthusiasts. So many of the lessons I’ve learned about leadership are inspired by a great sports story.

Yesterday’s match fit perfectly into the theme of this blog…”Becoming the CFO of your own Life.”

The 3 components of living your life as the CFO of your own company are Clarity, Focus, and Outcomes. Becoming the CFO of YOU means letting go of the OBU’s…Overwhelm, Busy and Uninspired. 

Yesterday’s match positioned Carlos Alcatraz not only as a Wimbledon champ but a CFO. His ability to stay clear about his objectives made him as focused as Jedi Master so that he could achieve his desired outcome. Watching this kid play this match was a master leadership lesson in this concept.

Unfortunately, so many leaders work and live in the OBU. They are Overwhelmed with Business and are simply Uninspired. 

I love working with my clients in getting rid of the OBU life so that they can become the CFO of their own life. In this case, the CFO is the penultimate leader in your life’s journey. 

As a leadership mindset coach, I provide my clients with a multitude of tools to address how to release the OBU because it really doesn’t serve you or anyone around you so that they can become the CFO. 

A CFO is a planner. A CFO commits to spending their time in the Important/Not Urgent Zones of life management. As a leader, living in Urgent and Important or Not Urgent and Important just does’t keep you in the game. (From Stephen Covey’s 4 Quadrant Model). I see so many leaders drowning in their positions because they are not clear about where they are headed and they lack the focus that is required to attain the outcomes they desire. 

I’m on a mission to support people who are sick of living in OBU. This can be a radical transformation because we have been trained by living in a culture where the word “busy” is tied to our sense of self-importance. Overwhelm has become the norm. We wear busyness like a badge of honor. As leaders in our lives we become uninspired. We forget what our greater purpose in life is all about. We forget that we are here to live an inspired life. 

In the upcoming weeks, I’m going to share tools with you that can get you from UBU to CFO because at Think Good, we are on a mission to eradicate the word average from our vernacular. 

Curious about learning how I work with clients in their quest to become CFO’s? Book a 30-minute Discovery call today: