Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Always Be Learning...About People

Staying in a place of curiosity with the people in your life, both personally and professionally can be a powerful way to always be learning.

In today's conversation, I am sharing four big takeaways on this topic based on a powerful interaction I had with an artist this weekend in a gallery in National Harbor. On a random stroll down Waterfront Street, I got to meet and learn about the work of a talented artist, Marie Antoinette.

Here's what I was reminded of in staying curious with others.

1) Get curious without judgement.

We can sometimes interact with others with a limiting belief. Think about our paradigms around sales people. What if we dropped judgement around professional and personal biases and realize that people are simply offering us opportunities.

2) Stay in a place of curiosity with others by asking open-ended questions.

Staying in curiosity with others is like throwing a beach ball back and forth with someone. Every time you ask an open-ended question, someone receives the ball and can toss it back giving you the opportunity to see the world differently.

3) Remember that people love to talk about themselves. Enough said...

4) Treat you connections with new people like a gift. Follow-up quickly.

Get specific about why you loved your interaction and can't wait to continue learning about them! Consider how you can always be learning about others by keeping this framework in mind.

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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