Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Reimagining Strategic Planning

When was the last time you took your strategic plan out of a drawer? It’s time to get back in real time and rethink your approach to this important leadership activity. 

I know that as a former CEO, my strategic plan literally scared me. 

Walking in as a new leader to a 15 page unattainable set of micro-goals felt incredibly daunting. And a recipe for failure. 

What would happen if we replaced our old paradigms around Strategic Planning with what I like to call “Vision Casting”?

I have developed a proprietary process for my clients on Vision Casting. This process includes 4 important steps:

  1. Assess leadership at the Executive Director and Board level

  2. Create alignment with your stakeholders (leadership, donors, strategic partners) around your organizational values and mission

  3. Assess your organization's current organizational capacity

  4. Create 3-5 Strategic Levers using this information to create your Map of the future

Once you’ve done this work, you can then move into building a measurable strategy for success. And finally, the Executive Director can begin to operationalize the work of your Vision Casting. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this approach.

And, if you are inspired to move forward with this type of strategy, please contact me at

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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