Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Reflections on Sedona

Let me start by saying that this is a challenging blog to write. Not because I am suffering from Writer's Block but rather that sharing such an intimate adventure with seven other women is daunting.

And here's why…each of us had our transformational moments that we are still noodling on after the experience has ended. I'm still processing it all. 

Each of these women has a story to tell, and how they want to celebrate their experience is up to them. Their stories are not mine to share. There will be time for that to unfold. 

Several people have asked me to compare this trip to last year's adventure. I can't because one of the foundational parts of the Sedona experience is being in the energetic vortex. No experience can be the same because of the earth's energy and the energy that participants bring to the adventure. It was an incredible experience.

In the quickest summary, here are a few things we experienced on our adventure:

Birth chart readings, mediumship, a sound bath, walking through a labyrinth together, hiking in hail, shopping for crystals, medicine wheels, standing in Vortex's, Amitabha Stupa & Peace Park, early morning coffee and conversations, the sounds of a creek and endless natural beauty. 

Pretty cool.

A Few of My Takeaways:

For me, Sedona is about profound transformation and my spiritual quest. Since losing my parents, I've been on a journey to reclaim and redefine my own story. 

My dear friend, Shauna Angel Blue (Shauna of the Star), has been my spiritual guru through this process. I love that she gives so generously of herself during these trips so we can all experience the power of Reiki energy. 

During this trip, I had another chance to release some emotional baggage weighing me down. Additionally, I gained significant clarity regarding the transformations I am undergoing at this stage of my life. 

I'm owning my intuitive intelligence. I cherish the combination of these two words, and it brings me joy to replace them with the word "wooo," which evokes significant judgment. I am celebrating this unique ability that enables me to see people deeply in my personal life. This quality enhances my coaching skills, and I am committed to developing trust.

It was fascinating to delve deeper into astrology. I am a double Taurus. Taurus is my sun and rising sign, while Sagittarius is my Moon sign. My key insight is the importance of staying grounded and connected to the earth.

This lesson manifested itself on the second day of our adventure. We had climbed a steep path to a vortex that Shauna wanted us to experience.

Almost immediately upon arriving, it started to rain. When asked if we wanted to stay and continue our journey on top of this mountain, I shared with the group how nervous I was about getting down the mountain because of my orthopedic issues. 

As we turned around to climb down from our sacred spot, it began to hail. I was terrified and completely unsettled. I asked for help (a big thing for women like us), I was crying and shaking when I got to the bottom of the path.

I realized at that moment how important being grounded is to me. I wanted to kiss the earth. 

Lesson learned… I become untethered, overly emotional, and controlling when my feet are not firmly planted (literally and metaphorically).

I need to be grounded in the earth to feel safe. It is in this feeling of safety that I can be my best self. I am in charge of my destiny.

Here's the thing…personal growth and transformation are a continuous process. It's hard work. It can be painful. Even though I do mindset work every day, I know that I will never be "done" with my journey. Each step I take enables me to become the best version of me and allows me to support each of you in the best way possible. 

Are you curious about transformational mindset coaching? I’m here to support you wherever you are on your journey.. Are you ready to take a step forward?

Energetically yours,


P.S. It looks like our next Sedona Adventure will happen in the Fall of 2024. Click here to receive notifications for updates and more information.