Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Sharing. Vulnerability. Connection. Support.

Sharing. Vulnerability. Connection. Support. Structure. Rediscovering. Thinking Courageously. 

These are all the words that encapsulate our next Think Courageously event…”The Baggage Claim Experience-Unpacking Your Story.” 

As you know by now, I am a huge Brenee Brown fan. One of my favorite pieces of wisdom from the goddess of all things is the way in which she shares the myths of vulnerability. It’s the human condition to treasure and be inspired by other women who are vulnerable AND yet, we tell ourselves privately that we don’t do vulnerability. 

In the past, I believed that telling my story meant baring every detail to my audience, but I have come to realize that we are the guardians of our own narratives. We have the autonomy to choose what we share with others, to craft our personal journeys in a way that resonates with our true selves.

I used to think that telling my story meant I had to share EVERYTHING with my reader or my audience. Not true. We are the keepers of our own stories and we have the agency to share what we want to share with others. 

When I launched my podcast, “Think Courageously” four years ago, I reached out to storytelling coach April Adams Pertuis. I am so excited to share that April will be facilitating our event on August 1st from 4:00pm-8:00pm at the wonderful and historic Wilbur Mansion in Bethlehem, PA.

I clearly remember my first call with April. It was an outpouring of vulnerability to a stranger, who has since become a cherished friend and invaluable book coach. As I awaited her response, I braced myself for judgment, questioning if my openness had made me seem disheveled or overwhelmed. However, April's response was one of profound love and compassion. She instantly created a safe haven for me and reassured me that authenticity does not necessitate sharing everything on my podcast. This wisdom continues to guide me as I write my book. 

The truth is, each of us possesses a unique story to tell, a legacy lesson waiting to be shared. It may be a narrative we wish to impart to our children or a personal tale we need to explore on our courageous journey. The Baggage Claim Experience is tailored for a small group of women who are intrigued by the power of storytelling. Writing expertise is not a prerequisite; our focus lies not in what you write, but in providing a secure space and equipping you with techniques to embark on the process of unpacking your story.

We wholeheartedly invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Let us embark together, embracing vulnerability, fostering connections, and discovering the immense strength that lies within our narratives.

Won’t you join us? For more information, visit: