Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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The Call to Resilience, Bravery and Courage in an Upside Down World

The last two years have created overwhelm, anxiety, and total exhaustion in people.

In today's Think Good Conversation, I share the difference in resilience, bravery, and courage. Each one of these attributes will call us to keep going in this upside down world we are living in.

We are wired to be resilient, and we can do hard things. We can acknowledge what we feel while also choosing to act courageously. And when called to be, we can be brave. During this anxious, unpredictable time, know that courage is a muscle. It is a mindset muscle that you must work on every day to build.

I encourage you to realize where you are and where you want to go. Then choose resilience, bravery, and courage to get you there!

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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