Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Time to Make a Pivot!

Shifting the safety net that you've been straddling on for so long, and embarking on a new adventure that might shake up your balance can be scary. Really scary.

As I write this, I’m thinking about a time in my life where I was on “high wire of life” looking down. I had what I thought was my dream job…CEO of Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley. I loved building a team of talented professionals who could take the organization to new levels. 


One day I was in the grocery store on a Sunday morning without make-up. (This obviously was pre-COVID), when a donor practically chased down my cart to ask me a question and thanked me for my leadership. In that moment, I realized that I had become Habitat. There was no separation in who I was and what I did. 

I have always been a creative human who loves to implement big ideas. During my tenure at Habitat, we did that. We opened the ReStore, launched a Neighborhood Revitalization program and launched the incredible “She Nailed It” competition. I knew that the organization was at a place where continuous improvement would be required. As an entrepreneur at heart, that just didn’t excite me and I decided to make a pivot. 

This was one of the toughest decisions of my life. I remember my parents, friends and family members looking at me like I had lost it. What was I thinking? Why would I leave a job that had such a positive impact? Who would walk away from something like this. 

Only my supportive husband and daughter said, go for it. And so I let go of the safety net, resigned from Habitat and thought I had a plan. 

It took one other quick pivot in a job that was completely out of alignment with my values and purpose to say to myself…

“Deb, you are 56 years old. Put on your big girl pants and do what you have always wanted to do. Launch a consulting/coaching business. And I did. 

The past 4 years have been chock full of personal challenges.


I have never been happier. I am so freakin’ proud of myself. I am passionate about my work, in love with my clients and grateful that I am doing such high impact work. 

I say this with you to give you context of where I am now and how I pivoted. 

I know how a program like this would have served me for the two years that preceded my personal pivot. 

And I’ve created a program that will give you all of the tools you need to as the goddess of all things, Brenee Brown, would say #stepintoyourbrave. 

The Pivot Project!

The Pivot Project is a 6-month virtual group coaching program.

Six months. A small tribe of courageous women ready for deep connection and a mindset transformation. 

Elevate your confidence. Get crystal clear on who you are and where you are headed. Build resilience. Think courageously.

For more information on the Pivot Project, visit: