Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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The Ultimate Journey in Trusting the Process

“So how was Sedona?”

It seems like a pretty straightforward question, right? 

Last week, five women from our community returned home after our first Think Courageously Adventure in  Sedona. 

My intention for this trip was to provide courageous women with  a next level transformational experience. An experience different from coaching. An opportunity to say yes to themselves. A chance to dig deeper. To trust their intuition that this was the right experience for them at exactly the right time. 

Let’s start with what makes Sedona so special…and why I chose to take our first adventure to this perfect place. 

Here’s what happens when you Google Sedona:

“The majestic red rock scenery and evergreen vegiation are two reasons for the unique energy of Sedona and its tangible regenerative and inspirational effects.

Ok…sounds like a pretty place with gorgeous scenery and a cool vibe. All of this is true. 

The sky is so big. The stars are so bright. The colors of the mountains are outrageously stunning. The weather…perfect.

What you may not know about Sedona is that the Native Americans believe that a spiritual transformation occurs more easily in Sedona because the veils to other dimensions are more translucent and accessible. These vortex sites are said to bring about self-awareness and spiritual healing.

Which meant I had to let go and trust the process.  Not an easy task for me. I felt the weight of the trip heavily on my shoulders. Logistics. Food. Agenda’s?  Would everyone get what they needed? 

How would a small group of mighty “Type A” women adjust to a spiritual ninja like Shauna? 

I needed to trust this process and model the way. This meant aligning and realigning  expectations. Asking for grace. Not  knowing the answers. Leaving my watch and my planner at home. Ignoring my phone. 

Modeling the way is a concept that I talk about frequently with my leadership coaching clients. 

As is the concept of “Stepping into the Arena” (Thanks Brenee Brown).

It is not easy to respond to the question, “how was your trip”. I ask you lionesses to trust our process. In the meantime, just watch how brightly we shine.

With love,


P. S. Wherever you are in your journey to Think Courageously, I am here to support you. Whether it’s through our free Facebook community (Think Courageously), our membership program (The Circle) or a coaching program…your journey to transform starts here! For more information, visit,