Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Train. Sustain. Retain. Merit.

At Think Good Coaching & Consulting, we believe that onboarding new staff is essential for nonprofit organizations to thrive. 

We call this process "intentional integration", which involves creating a comprehensive plan to welcome and integrate new team members. It’s all about empowering you and your team to develop confidence and competence in the execution of  your mission. 

As a nonprofit leadership coach, I hear lots about:

  • Onboarding new staff. I like to call this “intentional integration”. 

    • Most nonprofit leaders understand that this needs to happen, but oftentimes don’t have the organizational capacity to do so. 

  • Sustaining their organization. How can nonprofits achieve its mission and goals in a way that is financially stable, socially responsible, and environmentally sustainable.

    • Oftentimes, I hear that nonprofit leaders can’t wrap their heads around this because they are constantly putting out fires. They are working in the weeds of their organization which leaves little time for a sustainable approach to leadership. 

  • Retaining team members. Nonprofits continue to recover from staffing issues that transpired during the pandemic. A report by the Nonprofit HR's 2021 Employment Practices Survey found that 23% of nonprofits reduced staff size in 2020, and 19% reduced salaries or wages. Additionally, the report found that 47% of nonprofits experienced employee burnout during the pandemic, which can also lead to increased turnover. Nonprofits are struggling to hang on to their best employees. 

    • Nonprofit leaders have their attention fixed on staff turnover, making it difficult to reverse the crisis at hand. 

In the world of nonprofits, developing, sustaining, and retaining are absolutely essential challenges! 

That’s why we are so excited to announce that we have partnered with the Nonprofit Help Center to offer nonprofits a mindful approach to addressing organizational capacity. 

Merit is an on-line learning platform. The Merit Nonprofit Professional Development platform activates your entire team around building core nonprofit capacity. This process is simple and effective, and builds a culture of learning. Merit provides a streamlined approach to nonprofit professional development. 

Think Good Coaching & Consulting has designed two learning paths for nonprofits to take in utilizing the benefits of Merit. 

  • One path is designed for an organization who wants to provide this opportunity to all of its stakeholders including staff, volunteers and Board members. This path is alsoknown as the Think Good Leadership Academy!

  • The other path is a cohort learning model designed to support smaller organizations and emerging leaders in discovering everything they need to know about organizational capacity. This path is also known as the Think Good Incubator!

For more information on the Think Good Incubator, visit:

For more information on the Think Good Leadership Academy, visit: