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Rise above Challenges: Discover the power of a Pivot Mindset

In 2019, I crowned myself the "pivot queen". So, why "pivot queen"?
Well, it's all about how I've approached life's curveballs with a Pivot Mindset. 

A Pivot Mindset is about tuning into that little voice in your head that says, "Hey, maybe it's time for a change." It's trusting your gut and jumping on chances to grow. Basically, it's about unsticking yourself when life's got you feeling stuck.

At 56, I went through a life tornado. I lost my best friend, my mom, to a traumatic brain injury. My dad was actively dying (he eventually died 364 days after my mom passed), and I was going through my iPEC coaching certification program. 

Getting certified as a coach is no walk in the park. It's a 9-month rollercoaster ride that turns your world upside down. As a student, I had to dig deep and do some serious soul-searching while learning all the coaching techniques required for certification. It's like trying to learn brain surgery while also being the patient - intense doesn't even begin to cover it!

Imagine going through this training in the midst of a grief journey. 

In all of this self-reflecting, I honed in on all of the life choices that I had made that were not always easy. I was a high-risk taker when it came to my career path. I left a marriage. I was on a chronic pain journey. I was truly the “pivot queen”. 

Inspired by my own journey, I created "The Pivot Project." I knew that so many other women were going through equally challenging situations…becoming empty-nesters, losing a job in mid-life, redefining relationships with partners, dealing with being parents of adult children and navigating through all sorts of loss. 

Over 40 amazing women have been part of this program. Their journeys have been as unique as they are. Some already had a clear path in mind, while others had to listen closely to their inner voice to navigate their next chapter.

My clients absolutely love everything the Pivot Project offers, and I find so much joy in witnessing their transformations. 

“The energy and support of a group of like minded professionals is invaluable. It is very powerful and relatable to hear the stories, concerns and successes of other women in leadership roles. Together, with Deb’s direction, we were able to find our voice, focus, and values in order to build our own path for change.”  -Angie Beri

After wrapping up enrollment for Pivot 7.0 this spring, I paused to reflect on the program's evolution. Since its inception, I've become a certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator (based on Brené Brown's book), gained five years of coaching experience, and discovered many valuable tools for my clients. I started thinking about how I could refresh the program to keep the magic going.

My intuition nudged me to make a business pivot. I’ve decided to revamp the Pivot Project, making it even more accessible and impactful for women ready to embrace change. 

So, the Pivot Project is Pivoting…

The idea of this makeover excites me! Will it take work for my team to change all of our marketing materials? Absolutely! Will I be nervous about everyone's reaction to the new curriculum and name (Pivot Foundations)? Of course! But do I think this new approach will be more aligned with our mission of supporting successful women seeking the courage to make pivots? Absolutely!

Embarking on a pivot evokes a myriad of feelings and emotions. It necessitates both a moment of pause and a mental permission slip. This permission slip signifies an acceptance of forthcoming change. The pause gives you the necessary space to think and reflect. Pivots entails heeding your intuition and seizing opportunities for growth. 

Ultimately, pivoting is the art of freeing yourself from stagnation when life seems to have you in its grip. Change is inevitable, and pivoting is an essential skill for navigating life's twists and turns. 


Meeting Mindset


The 5000 ft. View of Leadership