Hitting the RESET Button

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Welcome to November. It seems like quite some time since I have blogged or written to members of the Think Good community. I am not a proponent of excuses but I do find myself needing to make a few right now!

The fall was super busy at Think Good Leadership. I was heavily involved in four major educational activities including the following:

  • Presenting a session entitled: Nonprofit Financial Sustainability. with my friends from BB&T and Concannon Miller

  • Co-presenting a workshop at the PANO Conference (Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations). My colleague, Mark Aurand and I presented a session entitled "What's In Your Box". Our focus was on storytelling around diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • Presented a lunch and learn for my colleagues at AFP entitled "Leadership for Life"

  • Sponsored a program entitled "Waging Justice" with my college friend Paul Zeitz

I have continued to work with my clients on a variety of leadership challenges as a consultant. I love this work! It’s an honor to work with diverse nonprofits as they raise the bar in becoming more effective organizations.

Personally, as many of you know, I have been struggling through the worst six weeks of my life with the unexpected passing of my incredible mom. I share this with you because Think Good Leadership is about holistic leadership. We talk about the characteristics of effective leaders. I challenge you to think about self-awareness, stress, and life balance. Our mission is around igniting potential in people and organizations.

So, I am feeling a need to be super authentic with you. I apologize for being off the radar recently. I am working on reigniting my own potential. I may have temporarily lost my “mojo” or passion (whatever you want to call it...) over the last two months, but am recommitting to a November reset!

I am excited about what's ahead for the rest of 2018 and the start of 2019. Because I am a big advocate of accountability, I thought I would give you a glimpse into what I am working on...

  • I will be launching a VERY BIG PROJECT in January...I can't wait to share the details as we get closer to the holidays.

  • Virtual Synergy Leadership Circles will resume in January 2019.

  • There has been an uptick in the need for consulting services in our sector. I am committed to growing my personal knowledge base to diversify my expertise. I am already registered for a few new courses for the New Year!

  • I am recommitting to my blog. I would love to get some feedback from my readers about topics to address in this space. I want to get more personal about my own leadership journey in my writing. I find that many of you want someone to confirm that you are not alone in your leadership challenges.

As we approach the holiday season, look for some SPECIAL offers on products and services. Check out my newly designed website at www.thinkgoodcompany.com and follow along with what's happening around the leadership realm on the Think Good Leadership page.

Let's get reignited for 2019! I am honored to be on this leadership journey with each of you.



Six Ways to Model Grit as a Nonprofit Leader


A Deer In Headlights