Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Perspective and Purpose

This week I had the opportunity to visit two of the agencies that are lead by my coaching clients.

As I visited these organizations, I was reminded about the incredible challenges of services as an Executive Director. Limited resources. Less than perfect facilities. Stretched staff. More clients. No space. And the importance of generous donors and volunteers.

As I got in my car for my drive home, I was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt. I was reminded that my life as a coach and consultant is pretty close to perfect. I have a beautiful office. I have the resources I need to support my clients. I'm looking out my window at beautiful trees. AND I am so removed from the day to day, in the trenches work of my clients.

A lightbulb went on for me as I sat in traffic. It's all about perspective. It's incredibly important for me to stay grounded in my social worker roots. To remember the "why" I chose to serve as a nonprofit coach.

My belief around starting my business has always been impacting and supporting more leaders than I could have done as a CEO of just one organization. Inspiring and supporting others is my superpower. Perspective reminded me of this big "WHY". What perspective shift do you need to #thinkgood?

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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