Why Leaders Must Recommit to Intentional Staff Development

One of the biggest pain profits for leaders in this uncertain world is developing the staff who can support organizational growth. 

In the work that I do, I support leaders in building both their competence and their confidence. 

We can’t afford to leave either piece of this puzzle to chance. 

I’m going to make an assumption here based on what I am hearing from my clients. Onboarding new team members is not on the radar screen for many leaders. So many of you are simply focused on getting someone in the seat. Hopefully the right person is in the right seat. 

But what happens after the actual hire? What are you doing personally as a leader to set these new employees up for success? How are you integrating them onto your team? 

Here are Five Tips for Effective Staff Development in Uncertain Times

  1. Weekly 1:1 meetings-for the first 90-days of employment I strongly encourage that your new hire and their managers keep a consistent weekly check-in on your calendars. This is a critical time for your new hire and the relationship that is formed between the new employee and their one-up is critical.

  2. Monthly staff meetings: monthly meetings should be considered non-negotiable for leaders. This is something that has dropped off the radar screen for many organizations, but in my opinion it is a recipe for losing team members, especially new hires.

  3. Conduct a needs assessment of training gaps for your employees. What are the critical competencies for your team members. Once you have identified the gaps, structure training around the gaps. 

  4. Create an intentional mentoring program for new hires with your experienced staff. One of the biggest needs for emerging leaders is having a mentor that they know, like and trust.

  5. Schedule a staff development day or retreat for your team. Yes! I said it. I know that this is something that has gone by the wayside for many organizations during COVID. 

Staff development and onboarding of new team members can not happen by default. It is the primary role of all leaders to ensure the successful growth of your team. 

For more information on how to implement any of these strategies, feel free to reach out to me at deb@thinkgoodcompany.com

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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