Nonprofit Leader Mastermind

At Think Good Coaching and Consulting Company, we've supported over 200 nonprofit organizations. We recognize that excelling as a nonprofit leader comes down to two main ingredients: competence and confidence. Add a touch of community to the mix, and you'll unlock incredible results in your leadership journey. 

The Nonprofit Leader Mastermind for Senior Leaders (CEO, ED, VP’S)  is your haven for nurturing leadership confidence and sharing challenges with fellow nonprofit peers. 

This program is designed for nonprofit leaders seeking to grow their leadership skills and connect with peers. The Nonprofit Leader Mastermind provides a supportive space to tackle challenges and enhance leadership. Each session lets participants share projects and gain insights from the coach and group.

If you're lost without your superhero compass, overwhelmed by decision fatigue, or feeling stuck in a Rubik's cube where all sides just won't align…we've got your back.

What is Included in the Mastermind?

  • A monthly group Mastermind call (via Zoom for 90 minutes for 8 months)

  • Membership to a private Mighty Network  community

  • Recordings of all calls

  • One 1:1 60-minute coaching session at the start of your journey

What is the Investment of the Mastermind?

The total cost of the Mastermind is $1,000. To register, click the button below today!

We offer special pricing for multi-program purchases - contact us for more information.

If you want to know how Nonprofit Leader Mastermind can support you through
community and accountability, get in touch!