Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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Always Be Learning

It's "Back to School" season in my community. As I sat on my porch stoop, I overheard a mother's voice filled with frustration, urging her child to get in the car and go to school. 


This encounter tugged at my heartstrings, as it reminded me of the immense joy so many of us associate with this special time.

In the house I grew up in, and the home I've created for my daughter, school has always been a cause for celebration. It's not just about the cool supplies or new clothes; it's a place where we learn and grow. I can't recall a time when I didn't want to go to school, and the same goes for my daughter, Alli.

As parents, we hold the responsibility of nurturing a growth mindset in our children. This concept is at the core of my upcoming book, where I introduce the importance of "Always Be Learning" as a fundamental principle of Thinking Courageously.

So, as you send your little ones off on the school bus or drop your kids off at college, allow me to gently remind you that this is a moment to both celebrate and elevate the spirit of learning in your families. It's not solely about school supplies and new clothes; it's about embracing the pursuit of knowledge.

Moreover, let this season of transition serve as a personal invitation for you to embark on your own journey of learning. As the crossing guards return to our streets, take this opportunity to recommit to learning something new. Open the pages of a captivating book, grab a sharpened pencil, and let your thoughts flow onto paper.

At Think Good Coaching & Consulting, "Always Be Learning" lies at the heart of everything we do. Say yes to learning by immersing yourself in one of our programs or joining our vibrant communities. We would love nothing more than to reignite your passion for learning!

P.S. If you want to further your “Always Be Learning” journey, check out the Think Good Movement, a membership program filled with Difference Makers and High Impact People who want to live above average. You can learn more HERE!