Joe Vs. The Volcano

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I am a big fan of an obscure Tom Hanks movie called “Joe Vs. The Volcano”. I’m not going to give you a movie review, but I do want to share one quote that has stuck with me for over 30 years. 

My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.
— Joe Vs. the Volcano

My zone of genius as a coach is working with the few leaders who are awake and want to be continually amazed.

Leadership is exceptional when it comes from a place of self-awareness. When leaders are willing to do the heavy lifting to understand themselves, organizations thrive.

I recently read an article in Harvard Business Review by Tasha Eurich. Four years ago, she and a team of researchers embarked on a large-scale scientific study of self-awareness. In 10 separate investigations with nearly 5,000 participants, they researched self-awareness.

So, check this finding out…

Our data reveals that 95 percent of people believe they are self-aware, but the real number is 12 to 15 percent,” she says. “That means, on a good day, about 80 percent of people are lying about themselves—to themselves.
— Harvard Business Review

Self-awareness is both knowing your values and personality strengths and weaknesses. External self-awareness is knowing how others see you.

My work as a coach is focused on supporting leaders on their journey to self-awareness. Why? Because it is the magic wand that differentiates a manager from a leader. It is what allows leaders to stand out in a crowd full of technically adept leaders.

Yes, competence is key. You need to know your stuff so your team can believe in you. But, first, you must believe in yourself! And the only way to commit to becoming a self-aware leader is to do the heavy lifting.

And that’s where I can help...this is the focus of my coaching practice. I support leaders in cultivating courageous and compassionate workplaces by igniting their self-awareness.

I am thrilled to announce that I will be launching a brand new program for non-profit leaders in October.

The Think Good Incubator... a six-month bi-weekly group coaching (on ZOOM) program designed to cultivate courageous, confident and self-aware leaders. I’ll be sharing more about this in the week’s to come. 

Learn more about how I support leaders, at “LEAD IT” HERE:

Don't you want to be part of the 15% club? Let's start a movement to #thinkgood! Let's wake up from our brain cloud. Let’s lead with intent. 


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