Think Good Coaching and Consulting

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The Journaling Journey

This month I’m sharing some tools to keep you in the #ABLM…Always Be Learning Mindset. 

For so many of us, journaling is the perfect tool for self-reflection and powerful learning. It’s a way we can show up for ourselves on a regular basis. 

Here’s something you may not know about me…I have an OBSESSION with all things stationery. Nothing better than a beautiful new journal with perfect writing paper. And of a course a clean page. And who doesn’t love a fancy pen? I’m a fan of gel pens and might have just a “couple” of favorites that I keep in my green apple Crayola pencil case (a special gift from a special client!) My favorite paper products these days are coming from ink+volt. The paper is just beautiful to write on. 

I’ve also tried quite a few digital journals. Lately I’ve been playing with one called Zinnia that’s super fun for getting creative with an Apple pen, stickers, and lots of other goodies. 

Ok…we’ve got the tools gathered and we are ready to write. I get it… It’s easy to get stressed out looking at a blank page. Don’t let journaling be another place where you are judging yourself against others. It's a personal experience. Think about how to create your own style. One that feels right to you and that you can practice consistently.

Here are a few prompts I’d like to offer up based on the mindset coaching I do with my clients. 

  1. How in alignment am I feeling with my values?

  2. Where is my energy level today? What’s triggering me? What’s elevating me?

  3. What’s the biggest challenge I am facing right now? 

  4. What affirmations am I calling on to support me through this  challenge?

  5. What brought me joy today?

  6. What brought me peace today?

  7. How have I practiced self-compassion today?

  8. What am I celebrating today?

  9. What  am I grateful for today?

  10.  What’s the one thing I can do today to move me forward on my journey today?

Happy Journaling. 

And in the words of Kerry Washington…”I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is to show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of mine.”