Powerful Questions for Leaders

As we approach the end of the 2nd quarter, many leaders are busy assessing the state of the business. We can spend a lot of time looking at metrics and dashboards. We can look at lots of data. 

In this conversation, I’d like you to think about a different set of reflective questions that can impact your leadership mindset. 

The context of these questions comes from what we do here at Think Good Leadership…cultivating courageous and compassionate leadership

It’s no coincidence that when I opened my email this morning there was a great article in Fast Company by JENNA ABDOU who hosts  33 Voices about powerful leadership questions. 

In the piece, she mentions the work of Dr. Perry illuminated the daily opportunities we have to elevate each other’s well being.

In today’s Big Cup of Conversation I’m sharing 5 powerful questions you can use as a leader to reflect on how you are thinking good. 

  1. What is keeping you motivated as a leader to continuously improve your leadership mindset?

  2. What are you committed to doing as a leader to continually improve?

  3. How are you modeling the way for the culture you want to create in your organization?

  4. What and who are you grateful for?

  5. What practices restored or nourished you?

    Given what you’ve learned from these reflections, who do you aspire to be in 2022?

Watch this weeks’ video below and of course, you can listen to the podcast HERE.

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