The Launchpad

Are you new to the nonprofit sector? Have you just launched your nonprofit?  Are you committed to building the organization of your dreams? Are you scared to death that you don’t fully understand all of the innerworkings of a nonprofit?

Introducing the Launchpad Circle

The Launchpad is a Learning Circle designed to provide new leaders with the necessary tools and resources to ensure a successful launch into their leadership journey. 

Whether you're looking to enhance your leadership skills, develop a strategic vision, or cultivate a high-performing team, the Launchpad offers a comprehensive approach tailored to your specific needs. 

This Learning Circle has been designed specifically for startup nonprofits.Our main goal is to help you steer clear of common pitfalls and embrace industry best practices right from the start. By ensuring you're on the right path from the get-go, you can sidestep the need for later corrections in your organization's journey.

This program offers a distinctive chance to engage with peers sharing a common journey, all committed to fostering a startup nonprofit into a self-sustaining venture. It serves as a hub for kindred spirits to accompany you on this endeavor, fostering not just professional ties but also opportunities for enduring friendships and partnerships.

What is Included in the Launchpad?

  • A monthly group call (via Zoom for 90 minutes for 8 months)

  • Recordings of all calls

What is the Investment of the Launchpad?

The total cost of the Launchpad is $1,400. To sign-up click the button below today!