Featured Speaker: Flashlight Series</a>
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Featured Speaker: Flashlight Series

I’m excited to announce that I’m one of the 8 guest experts of The Flashlight Series event in The LIGHTbeamers Community.

The Flashlight Series is a collection of VIP LIGHTbeamers sharing their expertise for a week of Community learning, discovery and expansion.

Topics covered are from self-love, mental health, wellness, fitness, and fashion to building and empowering leaders.

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This Research Should Bother You
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

This Research Should Bother You

I have been proud to wear the label #working mom. I took 8 months off when my daughter was born. And then I returned to the workplace. I tried to be a stay-at-home mom and honestly, I just wasn’t good at it.

Please don’t judge me. I made every career choice in my life based on how I was showing up as a mom. If I felt like Ali wasn’t getting what she needed, I knew it was time to pivot. And I did…

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Celebrating the Courageous Life of RBG with Dr. Nichola Gutgold and Jessica Armstrong
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Celebrating the Courageous Life of RBG with Dr. Nichola Gutgold and Jessica Armstrong

There's never been another like her. And when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September, the outpouring of support and loss of a national treasure, was palpable.

Like most women, I felt like I had lost a role model. A #shero. An absolutely fierce lioness who lived a life of courage. And I wanted to honor her by sharing how she lived a life of #thinkingcourageously.

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Stepping in to the Arena!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Stepping in to the Arena!

ou are a parent. You are a daughter. You are a son. You are a friend. You are part of a team. Part of an organization.

And things aren’t going well.

You may know this because of the data. Perhaps your organization is underperforming.

You may know this because things aren’t getting done. Lots of promises. No action…

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Joy and Pain! Like Sunshine and Rain!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Joy and Pain! Like Sunshine and Rain!

I woke up this morning with that song in my head. It’s an “oldie but a goodie”. And, it’s exactly what I want to write about today.

“The Dichotomy of Leadership”. In 2018, Jocks Willink and Lief Babin penned this book. “Leadership is managing tensions. Leaders must know when to adapt. This is where self-awareness plays a big part. In a word, they need balance.”

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7 Ways to Use ZOOM for Relationship Building</a>
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

7 Ways to Use ZOOM for Relationship Building

My favorite words of wisdom this week are from Seth Goodin. We need to stop using the words "new normal" and accept that there is "simply the normal of now."

ZOOM and other virtual meeting platforms are here to stay. And for the most part, ZOOM has been a game-changer for organizations. Imagine life without this digital space?

So now that we are comfortable in a ZOOM room, what's next?

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Thriving In Crisis</a>
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Thriving In Crisis

I've always been a cheerleader for change. I've studied organizational dynamics for over 30 years as a consultant, coach, and leadership geek.

During this pandemic, I've collected a library of articles on the topic of thriving in crisis. I've listened and observed my clients as they have pivoted their way towards a new future.

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Backpack, notebook, pen... Why I am Back to School!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Backpack, notebook, pen... Why I am Back to School!

Those of you who know me often hear me speak about being a "Leadership Geek". I am. I love all things leadership and have a voracious appetite for learning. I am judicious about picking educational opportunities. They need to be right for me...and my clients.

So, why did I choose to go "back to school" in March for IPEC coaching certification?

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It’s Complicated
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

It’s Complicated

This is about to get very real. I'm about to share a bit about my personal challenges as both a solopreneur and a leadership coach.

In the last seven months, I've lost my mom, 2 dogs, and have had cervical spinal surgery. I've also managed to embark on a new coaching certification and build my business in ways that I could never have imagined.

This isn't a personal pity party. My mom raised me to be a resilient, strong, fearless woman.

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The Value of Group Coaching
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Value of Group Coaching

One of the greatest joys of starting Think Good Leadership has been coaching leaders. I've had the opportunity to do lots of one-on-one work with high-potential individuals. Our work generally begins with utilizing a leadership assessment. As a certified coach of The Leadership Challenge, I love offering my clients the leadership assessment tool, LPI360. This 360 provides insight into the actual practice of specific leadership behaviors. We use it as a starting place for our coaching and it provides the client great insight into areas for growth.

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Organizational Effectiveness: The Key to Tackling Leadership Overwhelm
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Organizational Effectiveness: The Key to Tackling Leadership Overwhelm

Time flies when you are having fun! It is hard to believe that it is mid-January already! This is about the time that you are feeling one of two ways about your personal New Year's Resolutions. You are on track with your goals and are actually starting to see changes in your behavior...yeah for you! Or, you are already thinking about recalibrating those goals that sounded so good in 2018.

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Pumped up Planning for 2019
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Pumped up Planning for 2019

Yes. I admit. I have an obsession. I love all things stationery and have a special fondness for journals and planners. In 2018, I worked to use bound paper in lots of forms...at last count and final count, I put pen to paper in 9 different journals!

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My Gift to You...Best Apps for Nonprofit Leaders
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

My Gift to You...Best Apps for Nonprofit Leaders

GEEK ALERT!!!.... I have decided to spend December sharing my super geek-ness with you, my loyal fans! I am kicking the month off with a look at the tools I use to make my life easier.

There's never enough time or money to get our work done. I get it. I share your pain as a solopreneur. Aside from being a leadership geek, I also consider myself to be a bit of a technology nerd. Today, I am featuring my list of 10 Top Apps/Programs that all leaders need in order to do their jobs better in a digital age.

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Gen Z'ers Signal Hope for Leadership...Really!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Gen Z'ers Signal Hope for Leadership...Really!

Here’s something that you probably don’t hear often…I love working with millennials. Over the past year, I have had the privilege of coaching many 20 somethings and I have to say…they are fantastic.

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Six Ways to Model Grit as a Nonprofit Leader
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Six Ways to Model Grit as a Nonprofit Leader

Everyone should join a book club. I am fortunate enough to be part of an amazing group of truly brilliant women who meet once a month to drink a little wine and discuss some great books. Our choice this month was “GRIT” by Angela Duckworth. Duckworth is the Founder and CEO of Character Lab, a nonprofit whose mission is to advance the science and practice of character development.

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Hitting the RESET Button
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Hitting the RESET Button

Welcome to November. It seems like quite some time since I have blogged or written to members of the Think Good community. I am not a proponent of excuses but I do find myself needing to make a few right now!

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A Deer In Headlights
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

A Deer In Headlights

My transition to an executive director of a non profit was anything but traditional. I originally joined my former organization as the Corporate Development Director. I had raised money before in the educational world and had run my own business. I was confident about what I could bring to the organization. I had a fairly straightforward task - build a corporate giving program that would bring volunteers and donors to serve our mission with their time, treasure and talent.

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One Year...Four Lessons On Thinking Good at Think Good Leadership
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

One Year...Four Lessons On Thinking Good at Think Good Leadership

I have taken lots of twists and turns in my career journey but always with an end game in mind. And here I am.

A year ago, I made the decision that I could actually launch a business that would serve the social sector in a much bigger way than leading one agency at a time. My passion is igniting people and organizations and I’ve always dreamed of building a business that could impact nonprofits in a BIG way. With passion, industry knowledge and lots of experience in the trenches, I was off and running….

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ArtsQuest...Where the Arts and Leadership Meet
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

ArtsQuest...Where the Arts and Leadership Meet

ArtsQuest is a Bethlehem-based nonprofit dedicated to increasing access to the arts through music, arts, festivals, cultural experiences, and educational and outreach programs, while significantly contributing to local economic development, urban revitalization, and community enrichment. Musikfest is run by ArtsQuest and is the flagship event of the organization, which reaches 1.5 million people annually.

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