Perspective and Purpose
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Perspective and Purpose

A lightbulb went on for me as I sat in traffic. It's all about perspective. It's incredibly important for me to stay grounded in my social worker roots. To remember the "why" I chose to serve as a nonprofit coach.

My belief around starting my business has always been impacting and supporting more leaders than I could have done as a CEO of just one organization. Inspiring and supporting others is my superpower.

Perspective reminded me of this big "WHY". What perspective shift do you need to #thinkgood?

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Rethinking Setbacks
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Rethinking Setbacks

In today's conversation, I am sharing a very personal look into a recent setback in my life.

My neck and I have a tumultuous relationship. I've had three surgeries with the last epic operation in July 2021. If you had asked me a month ago how I was doing, I would have said GREAT! I am about 90% better...until I wasn't.

About three weeks ago, I woke up with that familiar feeling of major pain in my neck. The kind of pain that knocks me off my feet and brings me to tears. This kind of pain is not visible to you might have seen me on-line or in a session and thought there was nothing wrong.

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Playing Small...Busting My Own Limited Thinking
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Playing Small...Busting My Own Limited Thinking

Yesterday, the coach became the student. I have been working on "birthing" a beautiful collaborative book entitled "Elevate Your Voice". This is a project that I have worked on for literally 9 months with an exceptional group of 13 other women.

What I learned yesterday was that I had a limiting belief about how "big" this book could be. I had diminished my own light and the light of others. I had framed this book as something I had completed. Something I could check off a box for...but yesterday blew away my expectations.

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Think Good Conversations: Wildcat In The House
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Think Good Conversations: Wildcat In The House

Here's something you may not know about me...I love all things sports!

As a Villanova University alumn (Master's program) I experienced the first NCAA win in 1986. Since then, I have been a huge fan of the team.

In this conversation, I'm #thinkinggood about this year's team, Coach Jay Wright and the Wildcats approach to basketball and leadership.

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Leprechauns, Pandas and Bread Crumbs
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Leprechauns, Pandas and Bread Crumbs

In today's Think Good Conversations, I talk about the power of finding stories that can inform us as leaders to be courageous and compassionate.

What stories drive you and your story? I would love for you to share your favorite fables of inspiration!

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The Call to Resilience, Bravery and Courage in an Upside Down World
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Call to Resilience, Bravery and Courage in an Upside Down World

The last two years have created overwhelm, anxiety, and total exhaustion in people. In today's Think Good Conversation, I share the difference in resilience, bravery, and courage. Each one of these attributes will call us to keep going in this upside down world we are living in.

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Shifting Your Mindset...The Great Resignation or The Great Reset?
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Shifting Your Mindset...The Great Resignation or The Great Reset?

The Great Resignation. The concept of a life of resignation leaves us powerless as leaders. What if we took this time to commit to a #GreatReset?

What kind of permission slip do you need as a leader to get back in action and start reseting your life and your organization?

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Exploring “Atlas of the Heart”
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Exploring “Atlas of the Heart”

For today's Think Good Thursday Conversation, I am sharing something a little different! Hopefully you have heard about Brené Brown's new book, "Atlas of the Heart".

I am discussing some of the key points I learned from this book that can help leaders lead with more intention and grace.

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Looking At Cognitive Diversity
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Looking At Cognitive Diversity

You are not like everyone else. You have a unique perspective that can offer great insights to any problem or challenge you face.

As the final video in our DEI conversation this month, I am excited to share the concept of Cognitive Diversity with you.

Imagine if there was a way to use your natural strengths to become even more successful. That's what Whole Brain Thinking is all about- using your brain in the most efficient way possible to achieve your goals.

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What’s In Your Box?
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

What’s In Your Box?

Today I share an exercise from my time working at a global diversity and inclusion firm. It had such a profound effect on me that not only do you see it in physical form, but also throughout everything I do in my life.

When we limit our thinking, the impact is a decreased ability to stand tall in alignment with what's important.

I am excited to share with you my experience about thinking outside the box.

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Getting Comfortable About Being Uncomfortable
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Getting Comfortable About Being Uncomfortable

Today, I am sharing my experience with why I said yes to getting uncomfortable. I made a pivot about a decade ago to take a job with with a nationally known Diversity & Inclusion firm.

I was completely out of my comfort zone...and it was the professional risk I have ever taken.

I'm challenging you to get out of your seat and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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Let’s Talk About The “F” Word…
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Let’s Talk About The “F” Word…

Today, I am sharing my thoughts on reframing that icky "F" Word...Failure.

This is such an important conversation because, let's face it, we are at the end of January. We've set our intentions, gotten clear about next steps, and then we've dropped the ball.

I share my own story of failing and reframing a 2022 action item.

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Are Virtual Relationships Real?
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Are Virtual Relationships Real?

In this video, I'm sharing my recent experience meeting my virtual friends and fellow coaches.

Yes...virtual relationships are real. They require us to keep showing up on a consistent basis. AND they require us to build familiarity, comfort and trust with others.

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Introducing Think Good Conversations!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Introducing Think Good Conversations!

Newsflash!! You can now catch weekly YouTube Videos with me on my very own channel! Every Thursday, I will be recording a video around the core concepts of The Think Good Company.

Think Good Conversations is a weekly video series where I will be sharing my insights and resources on cultivating compassionate and courageous workplaces.

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Word of The Day...Burnout
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Word of The Day...Burnout

Regardless of your politics, I’m pretty sure that all of us are seeing the word “Burnout” show up everywhere. Let’s be clear. Burnout is not just a women’s issue. It is a workplace problem. It requires a new kind of leadership. It requires us to think differently. And it demands flexible leadership.

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Joe Vs. The Volcano
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Joe Vs. The Volcano

Leadership is exceptional when it comes from a place of self-awareness. When leaders are willing to do the heavy lifting to understand themselves, organizations thrive. My zone of genius as a coach is working with the few leaders who are awake and want to be continually amazed.

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Lessons Learned As an Entrepreneur
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Lessons Learned As an Entrepreneur

I’ve delegated throughout my career as a leader, but this was different. I was committed to totally disengaging from the work. No sneaking emails when no one was looking. No scheduled calls. Not even providing feedback until the projects were 90% done. Which meant fully letting go…and putting my trust in each team member.

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Deb Stellato Deb Stellato


Consider an organization that you are passionate about. It could be your company, your nonprofit, your faith community, or even your family. You know this organization is on the precipice of excellence. And, it’s a bit damaged in its post-pandemic transformation. Perhaps... it needs a little TLC..(Thinking, Love and Compassion)

Let’s consider why…

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Realigning Vision and Values
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Realigning Vision and Values

This is a watershed moment for so many leaders. And as always, most executives are working through these concerns with good intent. We are both trying to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic environment.

The truth is that most employees are disconnected from their work. Employees are tired. Leaders are tired. And many have no idea what’s expected of them.

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Learning to Live and Lead Differently
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Learning to Live and Lead Differently

Did Someone Say Pivot...Pivot might be the most overused word of the pandemic. I've been talking about pivots way before 2019.

In fact, I specialize in supporting my clients in finding the courage to make pivots.

And yes...The Think Good Company is making a pivot.

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