Embracing Your Legacy: Becoming a Difference Maker in the World
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Embracing Your Legacy: Becoming a Difference Maker in the World

Four years ago, I embarked on a journey to create Think Good Coaching & Consulting with a singular belief: that I could make a meaningful impact by empowering individuals and organizations ready to create positive change.

Today, my passion lies in working with what I call "difference makers" — those who refuse to settle for mediocrity and are determined to be catalysts for transformation. They understand that living with purpose means identifying and embracing their core values.

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Train. Sustain. Retain. Merit.
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Train. Sustain. Retain. Merit.

At Think Good Coaching & Consulting, we believe that onboarding new staff is essential for nonprofit organizations to thrive.

We call this process "intentional integration", which involves creating a comprehensive plan to welcome and integrate new team members. It’s all about empowering you and your team to develop confidence and competence in the execution of your mission.

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I'm Standing in My First Yogalates Class
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

I'm Standing in My First Yogalates Class

After three cervical spine surgeries, I can hear my physical therapist saying "oh no you don't".

It's at this moment that I have an epiphany. I am here on my own terms. Whenever we are instructed to do a move that I know puts my neck in a compromised position, I quietly sit on my mat. This results in a lot of sitting. 

I made a conscious decision to stop looking around to see what everyone else is doing. I focus on my breathing. I recite my affirmations.

I do this thing my way.

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The Ultimate Journey in Trusting the Process
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Ultimate Journey in Trusting the Process

“So how was Sedona?” It seems like a pretty straightforward question, right?

Last week, five women from our community returned home after our first Think Courageously Adventure in Sedona.

My intention for this trip was to provide courageous women with a next level transformational experience. An experience different from coaching. An opportunity to say yes to themselves. A chance to dig deeper. To trust their intuition that this was the right experience for them at exactly the right time.

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Time to Make a Pivot!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Time to Make a Pivot!

Shifting the safety net that you've been straddling on for so long, and embarking on a new adventure that might shake up your balance can be scary. Really scary.

As I write this, I’m thinking about a time in my life where I was on “high wire of life” looking down. I had what I thought was my dream job…CEO of Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley. I loved building a team of talented professionals who could take the organization to new levels. 

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Looking for Community and Connection? Look HERE!
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Looking for Community and Connection? Look HERE!

Are you looking for community and connection?

What I've realized over the last year is that women want a seat at the table to have powerful conversations about connection, community, and courage. They are looking for a community of women who they can connect with and who will support them as they navigate the next chapter in their lives. A community of women who are inspired, courageous, and ready to unleash the best version of themselves. A place where they are no longer alone.

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What I Learned about Going Slow and Simplicity at Italian Cooking School
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

What I Learned about Going Slow and Simplicity at Italian Cooking School

Patience. Simplicity. Community. Family. What a powerful reminder of what really matters to me. All through a bowl of pasta, some meatballs and great wine.

Feeling so connected to a moment that incorporates all of my core values is a very special kind of present.

It is why the focus of my coaching always starts with defining core values.

When you are in a far-away place living amongst people you don’t know, working hard to understand a language you don’t speak and feeling a bit lost….you can always find your way home.

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Snowflakes in Summer?
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Snowflakes in Summer?

In today’s blog, I am introducing you to this concept as it applies to leadership. Next week, I’ll share how celebrating your uniqueness is a powerful leadership tool.

When we understand that we are one of a kind in the entire universe…we can reconsider how we lead in our own lives. And lead others. It also allows for courageous thinking about our higher purpose. The work we need to do to fulfill our greatest good.

I’ve been working on the concept of Unique Brilliance in a business coaching program that I take part in. It’s been a powerful game changer for me.

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Six Reflections on Life Post-Surgery
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Six Reflections on Life Post-Surgery

Sometimes it’s important to pause, give gratitude and celebrate. 365 days ago, I underwent major spinal surgery. It was my third surgery on my little scrawny “gooseneck”. It was a BFD.

When I was thinking about my message for this week, it was easy. There have been so many lessons for me over this past year that have helped me on my journey to think courageously.

I thought I would share a couple of these reflections…

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Four Techniques to Try When Having a Challenging Conversation
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Four Techniques to Try When Having a Challenging Conversation

In today's episode of Think Good Conversations, I am sharing four techniques you can use when having a difficult conversation. Or, as Susan Scott calls it, Fierce Conversations.

We are living in a time when it seems that there is always a difficult discussion happening.

What I am going to do is to give you a few tips on how to being intentional about a difficult conversation.

“While no single conversation is guaranteed to change the trajectory of one career, an organization, a relationship or a life, any single conversation can.” -Susan Scott, Fierce Conversations.

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The Journaling Journey
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Journaling Journey

For so many of us, journaling is the perfect tool for self-reflection and powerful learning. It’s a way we can show up for ourselves on a regular basis.

Ok…we’ve got the tools gathered and we are ready to write. I get it… It’s easy to get stressed out looking at a blank page. Don’t let journaling be another place where you are judging yourself against others. It's a personal experience. Think about how to create your own style. One that feels right to you and that you can practice consistently.

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Reflections on Life & Leadership 365 Days After Major Surgery
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Reflections on Life & Leadership 365 Days After Major Surgery

Sometimes it’s important to pause, give gratitude and celebrate. 365 days ago, I underwent major spinal surgery. It was my third surgery on my little scrawny “gooseneck”. It was a BFD.

When I was thinking about my message for this week, it was easy. There have been so many lessons for me over this past year that have helped me on my journey to think courageously.

I thought I would share a couple of these reflections…

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Powerful Questions for Leaders
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Powerful Questions for Leaders

As we approach the end of the 2nd quarter, many leaders are busy assessing the state of the business. We can spend a lot of time looking at metrics and dashboards. We can look at lots of data.

In this conversation, I’ld like you to think about a different set of reflective questions that can impact your leadership mindset.

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Looking for Some Book Recommendations?
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Looking for Some Book Recommendations?

All this month, we are celebrating the journey around personal development.

It’s summertime, so everyone is looking for a good book. So today, I’m sharing a couple of books that have been “game changers” in my life personally and professionally.

I am that person who generally has three books going at the same time. Usually fiction on my kindle, and a non-fiction book next to my reading chair in the living room. And probably a third book that I’ve started specifically about building my business that I like to refer back to.

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Always Be Learning...About People
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Always Be Learning...About People

Staying in a place of curiosity with the people in your life, both personally and professionally can be a powerful way to always be learning.

In today's conversation, I am sharing four big takeaways on this topic based on a powerful interaction I had with an artist this weekend in a gallery in National Harbor. On a random stroll down Waterfront Street, I got to meet and learn about the work of a talented artist, Marie Antoinette.

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The Power of a Curious Mindset
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Power of a Curious Mindset

I would say that I am on a lifelong journey to unleash my own gifts and to support others on their journey for personal transformation.

The joy in life for me is sharing abundantly with others ways they can ignite their own adventures in self-discovery.

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Permission to "Tweak"
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Permission to "Tweak"

I've just spent two days getting coached on how to make tweaks in my own business to take it to the next level.

Does it mean that I will have to go back and make some adjustments? Yes. Will it mean that I haven't figured it all out yet? Yes. And am I giving myself permission to make tweaks and pivots...you bet!

In this conversation, I'm talking about the "tweak" and leadership. Tweaks are small pivots and are connected to the continuous learning process that I will be discussing all month.

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The Board & Executive Directors Relationship
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

The Board & Executive Directors Relationship

As a nonprofit coach, I have seen firsthand the stress that can come from what I call the essential partnership. The relationship between Executive Directors and Board Members.

This relationship is complicated, and it can often lead to major obstacles in implementing an organization's mission.

One of the biggest challenges for both Executive Directors and Board Members is navigating this relationship and finding ways to work together effectively.

Today, I am sharing three strategies for taking on this challenge!

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Why Leaders Must Recommit to Intentional Staff Development
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Why Leaders Must Recommit to Intentional Staff Development

One of the biggest pain profits for leaders in this uncertain world is developing the staff who can support organizational growth.

In the work that I do, I support leaders in building both their competence and their confidence.

We can’t afford to leave either piece of this puzzle to chance.

In this video, I will share five things you can do as a leader to recommit to staff development

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Reimagining Strategic Planning
Deb Stellato Deb Stellato

Reimagining Strategic Planning

Does the thought of Strategic Planning give you a knot in your stomach? Here's a glimpse into how my proprietary model can be a new way to approach this important activity as a leader.

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